Average salary for a Production Operator.

Find out how much you should be getting paid as a Production Operator. Make your next career move with valuable salary insights to find your perfect match.

How does location affect salary opportunities for a Production Operator?

Location may impact salary and job opportunities based on cost of living or demand. You might notice these differences when comparing larger and busier cities, where the demand for talent is higher, to more regional areas, where the cost of living may be lower.

Real-time, accurate salary insights.

Data that changes with the times. Our salary data is generated in real-time, so you can stay across the latest wage trends. With up-to-date insights, you can offer attractive and competitive wages, ensuring your company remains a top choice for job-seekers.

What benefits should a Production Operator look for besides salary?

Aside from a competitive salary, other benefits a Production Operator might seek out includes health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, flexible working hours, remote work options, and professional development opportunities.

How does our salary benchmarking tool work?

Our salary insights are AI-powered by data points from over 1000 industries.* These insights are updated in real-time, so that you can track salary trends as you advance.

*Employment Hero provides its employment, salary and other insights by utilising platform data only in anonymised and aggregated form to protect customer personal data in compliance with data protection laws.