Discover how much your skills are really worth.

See what you should be getting paid, then get matched to roles that unlock your potential. With insights from 2M+ employees and 300k+ businesses worldwide, we give you transparent, real-time salary data.

SmartMatch. Your best offer.

Compensation tools that score you first place.

SmartMatch. Your best offer.

Salary benchmarking

Check out our salary insights across different counties and occupations in the United Kingdom.

See salary benchmark

AI-powered job matches – using 2 million data points on pay, benefits and more.

SmartMatch connects employers and job seekers by evaluating what both sides are after. It considers real-time pay, benefits, experience, location and interest level to find the perfect match.

SmartMatch. Your best offer.

Find the right fit, faster

With powerful AI technology updated in real time, you can access job opportunities and skilled candidates instantly.

Save precious time and money

Save time and money in finding the right match. We streamline the job search process by bypassing unnecessary steps.

SmartMatch. Your best offer.

Real-time pay and benefits analysis

Unlock a constant stream of opportunities, whether you’re looking to hire or looking for a new job.

SmartMatch. Your best offer.

Make the right choice

Experience greater certainty in your decisions, with 2 million data points from more than 300,000 businesses backing you. It’s the wiser choice.

Learn more about SmartMatch

SmartMatch is powered by Employment Hero, HR software that 300K+ businesses love to use. We take these insights* to give you the most accurate and up to date salary benchmarks on the market.

*Employment Hero provides its employment, salary and other insights by utilising platform data only in anonymised and aggregated form to protect customer personal data in compliance with data protection laws.