Find out the average salary in Western Australia
SmartMatch salary benchmarking shows you the income trends in Western Australia, so you can make the right choice about your next role.
Find out the right pay rates in Western Australia.
Average salary data offers a general reflection of income in Western Australia, reveals potential pay gaps and helps you align your compensation packages with current market rates.
What are the growth opportunities in Western Australia?
The growth opportunities in Western Australia can vary based on market trends, industry trends, and the demand in Western Australia Growth opportunities can also vary between different professions. Check out our latest salary benchmarking insights, updated in real-time, to learn more about the current market.
How does it compare to other states?
Get access to real-time, verified salary data.
Our data never gets old. Stay up to date on the latest wage trends with our precise salary information, gathered from over 300,000 businesses worldwide.
What factors can impact salaries in Western Australia?
Salaries in Western Australia can be impacted by factors such as the cost of living, local demand, industry standards, and regional economic conditions. The level of experience, education, and specific skills of the candidate, as well as company size and budget, can also influence salary levels.
How does our salary benchmarking tool work?
Our salary insights are AI-powered by data points from over 1000 industries.* These insights are updated in real-time, so that you can track salary trends as you advance.
*Employment Hero provides its employment, salary and other insights by utilising platform data only in anonymised and aggregated form to protect customer personal data in compliance with data protection laws.